1) Put on your favorite over-sized sweater. Make sure it doesn't smell of someone's absence. Know that you can find safety in the smallest things you own that often go unnoticed.
2) Put your hair up in a messy bun, have it messier than the thoughts you fought so hard to keep at the back of your mind.
3) Take your pants off even if you haven't shaved your legs this morning, or even this month. You will soon understand that your skin was made to be flawed and that shall not make you love it any less.
4) Turn all the lights off and recall that night when you were 6 and sobbing because you used to be so afraid of the dark and laugh about it as you wonder why something so serene used to scare you. Let the realization that even fear does not stick around for too long sink in.
5) Light a candle, a scented one. Specially if it smells too much like the vanilla lotion they used to have on their soft cocoon skin or if it's colored in their starry blue eyes. Let it burn as bright as bright could possibly be and watch it melt and become a little too useless. This should be a metaphor to how people can stop meaning so much to you as time passes by.
6) Listen to all the old music your grandpa used to play when you were too young to even pronounce his name correctly. Talk to him even if his heart no longer beats, even if his soul no longer radiates just enough warmth to keep you sheltered. Talk to him in your mind and out loud. Talk to him about not feeling home lately and talk to him about your parents and how you wish they were back together. He won't respond but that never means he doesn't know. He knows
7) Lie on your bedroom floor and know that it does not, at any rate, matter if you've cried for all the wrong reasons and hoped for all the lost causes. This is how you grow. This is how you blossom.
8) Thank yourself; you're fighting a battle you didn't choose to endure and sometimes living can be an act of heroism.
9) Shut your eyes, this is not where you end. No heart is too weary to beat louder than a fucking supernova.
10) You are a fucking supernova.